
How To Get To Machu Picchu From Lima

Discover the best ways to get from Lima to Machu Picchu in 2021 with details of companies COVID-19 protocols. Public bus, hop-on hop-off bus, train or plane. We have all of the info!

This is the most complete guide ever written for Lima to Machu Picchu options and it is updated every 3 months by our local Peruvian experts, so please do take your time to read in detail and don't be afraid to contact us if you have any questions at all that we may help with.

Machu Picchu is located 312.5 miles from the capital city of Lima.

To get from Lima to Machu Picchu, you have the following options:

  • Go from Lima to Cusco using the Peru Hop bus. The route via Huacachina and Arequipa is recommended.
  • Go from Lima to Cusco by plane. By taking a plane direct to Cusco instead of a bus, you will need more time to acclimatize to the altitude.
  • Take a tour or trek from Cusco to Machu Picchu via Ollantaytambo.

Now, let us show you how to get from Lima to Machu Picchu in the best way possible to suit your itinerary and budget by analyzing the options to get from Lima to Cusco, and then the options of Cusco to Machu Picchu.

Contents of this page:

STEP 1: Getting from Lima to Cusco

  1. By Bus
  2. By Plane
  3. By Train

STEP 2: Getting from Cusco to Machu Picchu

  1. Trekking your way to Machu Picchu
  2. Getting to Machu Picchu Quickly
  3. Getting to Machu Picchu Cheaply
  4. Pricing and Practical Information

STEP 3: Lima to Machu Picchu – How To Book

  1. Lima to Cusco by bus or plane
  2. Cusco to Machu Picchu by bus or train

Llama in Machu Picchu

STEP 1: Getting from Lima to Cusco

By Bus

Lima To Cusco By Bus: What You Need To Know – The Basics

To get to Machu Picchu from Lima, you first need to get to Cusco.

Cusco is almost 10,000ft above sea level and separated from Lima by the Andes Mountains. This means altitude problems often affect tourists who go directly to Cusco and altitude sickness is very common. This can be severe and is not always covered by travel insurance.

Experts recommend taking a bus to Cusco (stopping along the way) as the ascent to Cusco is then more gradual and recent statistics launched by the Peruvian Tourism Board have shown that bus travelers are 3 times LESS likely to be affected by altitude than those who travel via plane.

Bus Routes to Cusco – what you MUST know:

Buses in Peru are very safe as long as you go with formal companies. The accidents that do happen are often with informal companies (the cheapest priced companies). Informal companies offer low prices compared to the best companies such as Peru Hop or Cruz del Sur, and often cut corners on safety to reduce costs.

There are 2 main routes from Lima to Cusco by Bus:

Route A: LIMA – NAZCA – CUSCO (Direct but not recommended):

This route takes you from Lima to Nazca and then travels through the Andes mountain range, passing Abancay before arriving in Cusco approximately 22 hours later.

This is the fastest way from Lima to Cusco by bus, however, it has a bad reputation. There have been many bus crashes and hijackings along this route. The winding roads are both curvy and steep and are especially dangerous in the rainy season. It is best to avoid this route to Cusco.

Route B: LIMA – NAZCA – AREQUIPA – CUSCO (strongly recommended):

This route takes you further down south from Lima to Arequipa and then takes you back up North from Arequipa to Cusco.

The road is much safer and there is also a LOT to see along the way. Recommended stops include Paracas, Huacachina, Arequipa, and Puno if you have time. This is the most common route taken in Peru and exposes tourists to the beauty of Peru along the way to Machu Picchu.

Make sure to check out the Full South to Cusco pass to enjoy the full experience from Lima to Cusco.

Peru Hop Bus

Peru Hop are the most popular bus company in Peru. The company has a 96% rating on TripAdvisor from more than 3,000 reviews. However, before deciding whether to book with them, take the following into account:

  1. Peru Hop sell bus passes that cover all/some of the destinations between Lima and Cusco. The "quickest" pass to Cusco is the 3 days/2 night option with overnight local stops included along the way
  2. Peru Hop is more suited for those with a little more time (e.g. more than 6/7 days in Peru). If you have less than 6 days in Peru, it is probably worth taking the direct buses to Cusco

To fully understand how Peru Hop works click here.

The Full South to Cusco pass is the best option to get to Machu Picchu without missing out on any of Peru's other hidden gems along the way.

Cruz Del Sur Bus

Cruz del Sur is the second-best bus company in Peru and has a reasonably good safety record. Their buses are excellent with bed-like seats on many of their buses. Before deciding whether to book with them, take the following into account:

  1. For direct buses from Lima to Cusco, they take the direct route that we do not recommend above.
  2. To go the safest route, you would need to buy a Lima to Arequipa ticket and then a Arequipa to Cusco ticket.

Booking on their website is quite straightforward, and whilst they have don't have excellent TripAdvisor reviews, they are still definitely one of the best bus options in Peru.

By Plane

If you are nervous about flying, then it is best to avoid Lima to Cusco by plane, as the flight has to cross over the Andes Mountains, turbulence is very common. This mixed with Cusco's rain and stormy weather makes for some nervous moments.

One of the biggest issues with flying from Lima to Cusco is the altitude and the fact that you have gone from sea level to 10,000ft+ very quickly. This is not good for your body and is the reason why approximately 75% of tourists report feeling ill for their first 2 days in Cusco after flying.

If you plan to travel by plane, book well in advance. We also recommend doing some day trips from Lima to see other parts of Peru as well, as it would be a shame to come to Peru and "only" see Machu Picchu!

By Train

Train enthusiasts might get disappointed when visiting South America because there aren't as many trains in operation here. Although uncommon, there is a way to take at least part of your trip by train.

The only train to Cusco leaves from Puno. The train from Puno to Cusco is the Andean Explorer, a luxury tourist train that will take approx. ten hours to get to Cusco during a scenic day trip. Fares are quite expensive – a one-way trip will cost at least $220, it is a very luxurious experience.

STEP 2: Getting From Cusco To Machu Picchu

So whether by bus or by plane, you have made it from Lima to Cusco! Now it is time to get from Cusco to Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu lies about 80 kilometers northwest of Cusco, although that sounds close, it is actually quite far given the Andes Mountains are blocking a direct route!

There are 2 main ways of getting from Cusco to Machu Picchu:

A – Taking a trek from Cusco (usually between 3 and 5 days depending on what trek you choose)

B – By Bus & Train combination (possible in 1 long day, or 2days/1 night)

couple of backpackers on the way to machu picchu from Cusco

A – Trekking your way to Machu Picchu

There are 3 popular treks to Machu Picchu, each of which we will discuss further below, in no particular order:


This is by far the most famous way to get to Machu Picchu and the most famous trek in South America. Only 500 people are allowed on the trail each day, including porters and guides. It is necessary to get a permit to trek the trail. To secure a permit you must book six months in advance, costing around $650-$1250.

If you are willing to plan that far in advance you will not be disappointed. The trail winds through the Andes overlooking snow-capped mountains as well as cloud jungle forest. You will arrive at Machu Picchu just in time to watch the sunrise from the sun gate.

Most Inca trail treks are 4 days with three nights camping but there are options for 2, 5 and even 7 days. The difficulty of the trek is moderate to hard.


The Salkantay trail is a good alternative for those not wanting to wait six months to see the citadel. Salkantay is the name of a mountain in la Cordillera Vilcabamba. The Salkantay pass takes you to altitudes above 4600m, which makes the already challenging trail that much more difficult. Prices range from $230 to $300 for a 4-day hike that you need to book a few days in advance.



If you aren't an experienced trekker and walking for four days straight isn't your cup of tea, maybe the Inca Jungle Trek would be perfect for you. It is the most varied trek out there, and with prices ranging between $220 and $300, it is also the cheapest. This trek offers biking, hiking, ziplining and rafting on your way to Machu Picchu.

Important tips on picking your Tour or Trek Operator for Machu Picchu:

  • Do not just opt for the cheapest company – this is usually a BIG mistake. You don't want to get left behind somewhere in the jungle (it happens) so shop around and see who provides the best responses to your questions and concerns
  • If you don't have time to spend a day interrogating tour operators in Cusco, check FindLocalTrips, which lets you compare operators' itineraries and prices all in one location. Everything is in clear English too, which is not always the case when contacting tour operators directly.
  • Avoid companies like G Adventures, Bamba Experience, Intrepid etc – their markup is more than 100%. If you go directly to the trek operators (e.g. via their websites or with FindLocalTrips then you will see the prices are usually a LOT cheaper.
  • Make sure you know what your tour includes. Every good trek to Machu Picchu will include your entrance ticket to Machu Picchu (with the option for Machu Picchu Mountain or Huayna Picchu), your accommodation, food (with exception of the last day) and your transport back from Machu Picchu to Cusco, usually by the train.

B – Getting to Machu Picchu Quickly via Bus & Train

A one day tour is the fastest way to get to Machu Picchu. It involves taking a 2-hour bus ride to Ollantaytambo (winding roads through the Mountains), a 90-minute train to Aguas Calientes, a bus up to the complex itself, a guided tour of Machu Picchu, a bus down from the complex and a train ride back so you can arrive in Cusco in the late evening. Prices start from $230. Tour operators can be found here

If you prefer, you can also spread the journey over two days for a similar price, spending the night in Aguas Calientes town.

Getting to Machu Picchu Cheaply (NOT recommended)

Editor Note: It is NOT recommended to follow this route due to safety concerns and accidents in the past. We STRONGLY recommend booking a tour or trek with a reputable company.

To get to Machu Picchu cheaply you need to combine a couple of different modes of transport. Firstly take a taxi to the Santiago Terminal in Cusco and get a local bus to Santa Maria. It is advisable to go early.

From Santa Maria, continue your journey to Santa Teresa. There are a bunch of minivans stationed on the square in the town. They will take 45/60 minutes of bumpy road through the jungle to Santa Maria. Here in Santa Maria you then need to book a taxi to Hidroelectrica.

Be aware that the roads between Santa Maria, Santa Teresa and Hidroelectrica are in really bad condition and the minibus vans or taxis will take you along sheer cliff-sides and hairpin turns. This is extremely dangerous in the dark and during the rainy season, do exercise caution when considering this option.

From Hidroelectrica you will follow the Inca train trail tracks by foot (the road ends here) to Aguas Calientes. It is a flat hike and should not take more than 3 hours. Leave early enough so you don't get stuck walking in the dark. Avoid getting hit by the train and watch out for packs of stray dogs.

Once in Aguas Calientes you can hang out and call it an early night. The next morning you have two options to go to the Inca Citadel:

  • By bus: It is recommended to go early in the morning to Machu Picchu, so start waiting in line at 4.30-5.00am. The earliest bus leaves at 5.30 and the latest at 15.30. A one-way ticket costs 12 dollars.
  • On foot: the walk up Machu Picchu is basically a lot of stairs. It is demanding but if you take your time and leave around 4-4.30, it should be manageable. You could see it as part of your experience or maybe you want to keep all your energy for exploring the complex or your hike up Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain.

getting to Machu Picchu cheaply

Machu Picchu – Pricing and practical information

  • Inca Trail Treks sell out MONTHS in advance due to limitations from the government
  • Machu Picchu Inca Jungle Trek and Salkantay Trek can usually be booked 1 or 2 days before, except in July high season when you should book at least a few days in advance
  • 1-day and 2-day tours by bus & train should be booked in advance
  • For further tips about what to bring and things like that, check out our Machu Picchu page here

Lima To Machu Picchu – How To Book

STEP 1: Lima to Cusco

Bus Options:

  • Public Bus – you can search bus tickets on Cruz del Sur's website here. Remember to book Lima to Arequipa and then Arequipa to Cusco
  • Private Bus with stops – you can search Peru Hop tickets here. Choose whatever pass suits your time schedule.

Flight Options:

  • Plane – you can search plane tickets directly on Latam's website here

STEP 2: Cusco to Machu Picchu

Trek Options

  • Inca Trail (4 days) – search and compare operators here
  • Inca Jungle Trek (3 or 4 days) – search and compare operators here
  • Salkantay Trek (4 or 5 days) – search and compare operators here

Tour Options:

  • 1 Day Tour – search and compare operators here
  • 2 Day/1 Night Tour – search and compare operators here

IMPORTANT: If you would like to organize a full complete trip: learn everything you need to know about Machu Picchu tickets or check out our passes to find the perfect option!

How To Get To Machu Picchu From Lima


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